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h1b stamping in canada

H1B Visa Stamping in Canada for Indian Citizens

For Indian citizens on an H1B visa, getting your visa stamped in Canada can be a convenient option compared to traveling back to India. This guide will walk you through the H1B visa stamping in Canada for Indian citizens, focusing on important aspects like appointment booking, wait times, and the overall procedure. We’ll also share real-life experiences from two Reddit users who successfully completed their H1B visa stamping in Canada. Why Indian Citizens Choose Canada

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H1b to F1 change of status

How to Change from H1B to F1 Student Visa

If you’re currently in the U.S. on an H-1B visa and considering a transition back to student life, you’re not alone. Many professionals choose to change their visa status from H1B (a work visa) to F1 (a student visa) to pursue further education or shift their career paths. The F-1 visa is designed for international students attending U.S. academic institutions. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to change your visa status from

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OPT vs CPT for F1

OPT vs. CPT: Key Differences and selection.

Navigating work opportunities as an international student in the U.S. can be challenging, especially when it comes to choosing between OPT vs CTP. If you are an F1 student, you have the option of training in the United States by engaging in practical training during your program or after it ends. Practical training can provide valuable work experience by sharpening and adding to the skills you are learning in school. There are two types of practical

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