Common H1b visa interview questions with answers for H1b Candidates , these questions were shared by actual candidates who took interviews between year 2021–2024.
I came to United states in 2013 on H1b Visa and trust me the most tricky and nerve recking part was the interview . Just a year ago, i had one L1B rejection up on my sleeve , so this time was really nervous.
Luckily the interview well , In this blog i would give a list of questions and how to answer . I clearly remember some of the questions however some i have gathered from feedback around different facebook groups
Here are top 5 tips for successful interview
- Biggest of them is keep a a smile on your face and always greet your interviewer. it doesn’t cost you anything and after all interviewer is a human as well. We all love people who are smiling and greet.
- Second one is be confident and assertive in your answer , if fumble alot then it could create doubt in the interviewrs mind
- Prepare well for common interview questions , list below. You should have them all crammed and rehearsed.
- Prepare all your required documents so that you can produce them if asked eg your I797, degree certfications, LCA, offer letter etc.
- Dressing formally is definitely a plus as it creates an impression that your are serious about this.
Top 20 H1b interview Common Questions with probable answers.
These are real interview questions which has been posted by candidates across all social media forums.
Q1 Give your passport and I797 approval ?
Ans: Pass on your passport and i797 petition , also keep them in order so that you can easily take it out .
Q2 Is it your first time or renew? (This is my first time)
Ans: You should answer this based on whether it is your first time or renewal . Also keep it short and don’t elaborate why you are applying for first time , remember to keep it to the point .
Q3 Which employer do you work for?
Ans: Just name of the employer would work, aviod using short form of any type instead provide full name which is the i797 petition as well.
Q4 How long have you been working for this employer?
Ans: The total tenure in years and months would be okay.
Q5 What does your company do?
Ans: Explain in brief which type of services you company provides , this would also be in petition which was submitted so you can reference your answer with that.
Q6 Whats your salary?
Ans: Give the exact salary as given in your LCA and petition
Q7 Work Location?
Ans: Mention same location as given in your Petition
Q8 Who is the client or it is client project ?
Ans: if you are working on client location and a client project , provide the name of the client.
Q9. Highest Degree obtained?
Ans: Provide details around the highest degree , if it is only then you have to mention the same. Avoid including any certifications extra unless asked .
Q10. What technology I am working on?
Ans: Name the technology , aviod going into details unless asked.
Q11. When did I graduate and from which college
Ans: Give year of graduation and college name . Again be bried and to the point .
Q12. Did you illegally stayed in US anytime?
Ans: No ,in case you have had any overstay then mention the same and also explain the reason.
Q13. What are your plans after your H-1B visa expires?
Ans: Explain your plans of returning to home coutry after work visa is finsihed . I would personally not go into details of explaining the desire to become a green card and becoem a citizen .
Q14. How long do you plan to stay in the U.S.?
Ans: Mention till my visa validity date
Q15. Where are you staying in US?
Ans: Give the home address if you are renewing your hb visa . if this is first time then it is unlikely this question will be asked.
Q16 What are your current projects?
Ans: Explain in 1 -2 lines for each project and don’t go into technical details unless asked specifically . Remember we want to sound confident .
Q17 Did you do your masters from US?
Ans: If the answer is yes, then name the university and the year you passed out.
Q18 Are you married?
Ans: Please be transparent on your marital status, if your spouse is also attending the dependent interview then you might be asked the marriage certificate and photos.
Q19 Any visa refusals prior ?
Ans: Explain in details visa type and year of refusal . Don’t explain unless asked on why the refusal was given.
Q20 Give me your LCA, paystubs, client letter etc.
Ans: Share all documents if asked by the counselor, keeping them in order and handy would be great way to be proactive . Everone loves quick service!
Smile and be confident and rehearse common questions prior to your interview . Almost 90% of the time you will be asked among these 20 questions so if you prepare them well, high chances you will get through.
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